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All-Hands-On Botox Course in Houston Shows You How To Eliminate Smile Lines And Forehead Lines

Smile lines and lines on the forehead develop because of many factors. Sometimes, they’re a result of something positive: having an expressive, lively face. Other times, it’s just part of the aging process.


Whatever the cause and no matter how deep the lines and wrinkles, you can reduce or eliminate them with Botox and perhaps dermal filler injections. Learn to make those injections precisely and professionally during the all-hands-on Botox training course in Houston.


Understanding Facial Wrinkles


Most of the forehead lines involved with an expressive face are made by the frontalis muscle. As the muscle moves, so does the skin – and wrinkles result. Even sleeping on one side of the face more than the other can contribute to the development of facial wrinkles.


But make no mistake, photoaging – aging from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays – is the top cause of facial wrinkling. After years of UV ray exposure, elastin and collagen in the skin break down, and the sagging and wrinkles that we know as signs of aging happen. Smoking makes this even worse.


As you’ll learn in our all-hands-on Houston Botox course , every wrinkle type has a proper treatment – a specific injection site and depth that will safely reduce or eliminate it. And in many cases, dermal fillers, which are also taught hands-on during the course, can enhance the positive impact of Botox. Most wrinkles and lines can be smoothed away with relative ease – in your office, by you.


7 Types Of Lines You Can Treat


In fact, Botox can be used for many purposes, including to treat excessive sweating and jaw clenching, for example. It can also be safely and effectively used to treat at least 7 different types of wrinkles, including:


Glabellar creases. These are creases above the nose and between the eyebrows, and treating these creases is the most common use of Botox for cosmetic purposes.

Crow’s feet. Technically called lateral canthal lines or periorbital lines, these wrinkles branch out from the eye corners, often visible whether the patient is smiling or not.

Forehead wrinkles. As mentioned above, this is the result of contraction by the frontalis muscle, which raises the eyebrows and eventually causes creasing that can be deep.

Bunny lines. Occurring on the bridge of the nose, these lines can actually look more prominent after Botox treatment for crow’s feet or glabellar lines and can be a reason patients come back for more treatment from you.

Lipstick lines. Also called perioral lines, these vertical creases above the upper lip are caused by heredity, voluntary or involuntary puckering or smoking in addition to photoaging.

Marionette lines. Vertical lines from the mouth corners to the chin, these lines – like most of the others mentioned here – respond to Botox and benefit from the addition of dermal filler injections.

Chin dimpling. Giving the skin a bumpy appearance like an orange peel, chin dimpling often requires dermal filler treatment in addition to Botox injections for great results.


When you add Botox and dermal filler injections as taught in our Houston Botox class to your medical or dental practice or medical spa facility, you’re giving your existing clients something they want and potentially adding a new client base as well. And since Botox treatments are temporary, these patients will want to return for more treatments in a few months – paying out of pocket without an insurance claim in almost all cases.


With training in our Houston course, you can become an expert on which your patients rely for cosmetic Botox and dermal filler injections – and gain a more prosperous practice too. It really is possible when you offer something people already want.


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